Jumat, 18 April 2014

I Believe that Honouring Parents Make Life Perfect

Parents are the most important people for someone.Moreover, Allah has ordered us for honouring parents.I believe that honouring parents make life perfect.Firstly, Allah’s willingness isthere in parents’s willingness.Secondly, parents have given all of their life just for their children.Thirdly,sometime someone loves us justfor limited time.In contrast, our parents’s love never stops to their children.We should honour parents and never make sad them,that Allah will gives us happiness in the world and the hereafter.
 We as Allah’s slave sure we want to get Allah’s willingness. Moreover, the true way for getting Allah’s willingness to pass parents is by loyal to them. Based on Hadits “Ridhollahi fi Ridhowaalidaini” that Allah’s willingness is there in patents’s willingness. When we want to do something, we must permission to our parents. If we have not parents’s
permission, we feel unconfident. Thus, we feel confused without parents’s permission. Every time our parents pray for us. They hope we study smoothly and we can get our success. How difficult our problems, all gone be okay with parents’s prayer. Certainly,Allah’s willingness is there in parents’s willingness.

Children are the most beautiful gift from God for parents. Hence, parents alwayssave their children by all their power. For instance, as we still baby they gets up at middle night to keeps our sleep comfortably, they do not wants the bad something happen to us. We exist in this world because of our mother. Who has pregnant us as long as nine months and she has revealed us by all her strength, our mother risks herself for us. There for, we do not hurt her heart and always try to do the best for her. The happiness a father is he can complete his family needs. He likes to see his children smile. As a result, father hard works just for completes what his children wants. Indeed, parents give their life for their children.
When we want something but our parents do not give the opportunity. They do not mean to forbid us. On the other hand, parents want the best for their children. Parents understand and they also know what the best for their children. Sometime we comeback late and before it we do not give the information to them, our parents worries us certainly. In fact, they able to waked up for waiting us voluntarily. We should give our condition to parents in order that our parents do not worry about us and parents always worry their children.
When we do a mistake and how big our mistake, parents always forgives their children mistake. Although their true feeling is disappointed to us. Their anger will be lost because their love bigger than their anger. Accordingly, parents love never stops to their children and they never ask anything to us.
That is all the facts about love and sacrifices our parents for us. Furthermore, that my reason why I believe that honouring parents make life perfect. Our God Allah SWT has ordered us to honour our parents. He forbids us to do bad something to our parents although we only say ‘ah’ to them. Without our parents we never exist in this world, without their love we never grow to become a good person. We feel happy by honouring parents, our heart will be tranquility and our life will be perfect.

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