Rabu, 26 November 2014



Definition of profession:
Any type of work which needs special training or a particular skill, often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education.


Farmer - a person that works on a farm, usually with animals.

Bus driver - a person that drives buses.

Fisherman - a person that catches fish

Pilot - a person who flies a plane.

Policeman/Policewoman - a member of the police force. They (try and) prevent crime.

Postman - a person that delivers mail to your house.

Teacher - a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at school.

Dentist - a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.

Chef/Cook - a person that prepared food for others, often in a restaurant or cafĂ©.



A group of closely related sentences that develop a central idea.

A paragraph conventionally begins on a new line, which is sometimes intended.


Kamis, 20 November 2014



1.       The Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like.  Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

2.     The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text has structure as below:
§  Identification: identifying the phenomenon to be described.
§  Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.

3.     The Language Feature of Descriptive Text
§  Using attributive and identifying process.
§  Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.
§  Using simple present tense

Jumat, 18 April 2014

I Believe that Honouring Parents Make Life Perfect

Parents are the most important people for someone.Moreover, Allah has ordered us for honouring parents.I believe that honouring parents make life perfect.Firstly, Allah’s willingness isthere in parents’s willingness.Secondly, parents have given all of their life just for their children.Thirdly,sometime someone loves us justfor limited time.In contrast, our parents’s love never stops to their children.We should honour parents and never make sad them,that Allah will gives us happiness in the world and the hereafter.
 We as Allah’s slave sure we want to get Allah’s willingness. Moreover, the true way for getting Allah’s willingness to pass parents is by loyal to them. Based on Hadits “Ridhollahi fi Ridhowaalidaini” that Allah’s willingness is there in patents’s willingness. When we want to do something, we must permission to our parents. If we have not parents’s

Sahabat SD

Hai sekarang aku ingin menceritakan tentang sahabat-sahabat SD ku :)
Seperti yang telah aku ceritakan di “Penjara Suci” aku menempuh pendidikan SD ku di Lampung Selatan, di tempat dimana aku di lahirkan lebih tepatnya kampung halamanku. Disana aku melewati masa kecilku dengan indah bersama teman-teman ku. Dulu kami slalu bermain permainan tradisional yang mungkin sudah tidak dimainkan lagi oleh

My Dream

English language is an international language. We can surround the world by English, but I want to be an English teacher because teacher is a hero without service mark, a teacher gives his knowledge to students. In my point of view it is a good job. In my opinion all of school always need English teacher of course, so an English teacher can teaches in Islamic schools orgeneral schools. My mother also asks me to become an English teacher, and Icannot refuse it because i love her so much.

Sahabat MTs

Hello guys!

Yah hari ini aku akan menceritakan tentang para sahabat-sahabat ku di “Penjara Suci” terutama teman sekelasku. Jika kalian telah membaca ceritaku tentang “Penjara Suci” kalian pasti sudah tau apa yang akan aku ceritakan ini. “CHESTER FIELD” itu nama angkatan kami, dan diambil dari nickname kami. Diawali oleh huruf “C” yaitu diambil dari nama depanku “Khoirunnisa”, memang berbeda tapi miripkan? Hehe. Sebenarnya aku tidak berhak menilai diriku sendiri, yang aku sadari aku adalah anak yang disukai teman-teman, mereka merasa nyaman berteman denganku (bukan sok narsis yah) :DMungkin aku anak yang agak jahil tapi aku juga yang suka dihaili oleh teman-temanku bahkan sampai-sampai aku dibuat mereka menangis.
“H” dari Husna Fikria, dia si cantik dan si jahil yang selalu membuat kelas jadi heboh. Dulu dia selalu bersikap sinis terhadap laki-laki, dan teman laki-laki satu kelasku pun tidak begitu menyukainya karena sikapnya yang dingin terhadap mereka. Tapi disisi lain dia adalah anak yang baik dan penuh perhatian. Husna yang suka sekali menjahiliku dari awal aku masuk pesantren, meski aku pernah dibuatnya menangis karena ulahnya tapi dia adalah teman terdekatku dan aku sangat sayang padanya.